Selected filters:
- Gender/Hand: Mens/Right
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Like New | 7-PW,SW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Ascent PL Blue 40 HB/IR Graphite Womens | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: - 1 in | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | head men , shaft women
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Like New | 6-PW,SW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Cypher Black 40 HB/IR Graphite | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: - 1 in | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | head men , shaft women
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Average | 6-PW,AW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: ACCRA 50i Graphite | Flex: Light | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed |
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Average | 4-PW,GW | Steel | X100 (Tour Stiff) | True Temper Dynamic Gold Steel | Standard | Standard |
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Average | 4-PW | Steel |
Details: | Shaft Type: Elevate 95 MPH Steel | Flex: Stiff | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | different shaft #6 elevate 115 mph steel stiff
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Average | 5-PW,AW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: KBS Tour 90 Steel | Flex: Regular | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed |
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Average | 3-PW | Steel |
Details: | Shaft Type: NS Pro Modus 3 Tour 105 Steel | Flex: Stiff | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed | 3i/4i have Project X LS shaft with 6.0 flex |
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Average | 6-PW,AW,SW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Cypher Black 40 Graphite Womens | Flex: 4.0 (Ladies) | Lie_Angle: Std (Black) | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed | men's clubs with ladies shafts |
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Good | 6-PW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Helium Black 5 Womens Iron Graphite | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: - 1 in | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | womens shaft on mens head
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: |
Average | 6-PW,AW | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Recoil ESX 460 Graphite | Flex: Ladies Ultra Lite | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: - 1 1/2 in | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | 6 iron has recoil dart 75g light flex shaft
Condition: | Club/Set: | Material: | Flex: | Type: | Lie: | Length: |
Very Good | 6-PW | Graphite | Light | UST Mamiya Recoil ESX 460 Graphite | Standard | Standard |
Details: Dent in back medallions on 7 & 9 irons will not affect playability