Selected filters:
- Gender/Hand: Mens/Right
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Very Good | 9.5° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Rogue Silver 60 Graphite | Flex: Stiff | Lie_Angle: Std (Black) | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed |
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Good | 9° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Tensei CK Orange 60 Graphite | Flex: TX | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed | flex not in the system
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | 10.5° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Helium Nanocore IP 40 Graphite | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: - 1/2 in | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed | head men , shaft women
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Good | 9° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: EvenFlow Max Carry Red 50 Graphite | Flex: 5.5 | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: + 3/4 in | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed | re-shaft and medallion color black
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Very Good | 10.5° | Graphite |
Details: |Shaft Type: Veylix Alpina 573| Flex: A| Lie angle: Stnd| Length: Stnd| Shaft Origin: Non-factory Reshaft|
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | 10° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: TFC 80F Graphite | Flex: Lite | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: Standard | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed - Custom | Matte finish on crown has been altered with a Scothbrite scuff pad
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | 10.5° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: Helium Black 4 Womens Iron Graphite | Flex: Womens | Lie_Angle: Standard | Length: - 1 in | Shaft Origin: Factory Installed - Custom | Men's head on a ladies shaft.|
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Average | 10.5° | Graphite |
Details: | Shaft Type: DVS 65 Graphite | Flex: Light | Lie_Angle: Std (Black) | Length: + 1 1/4 in | Shaft Origin: Non-Factory Installed |
Condition: | Loft: | Material: |
Good | 10.5° | Graphite |
Details: lenght: project HZRDUS GEN 4 BLACK 60g stiff.. lenght: standar.